Puppy Pre-School

Weight Management Clinic

Dental Care

Our Services

Routine Services

Animal Health Examinations

Pets age seven times faster than humans, so a trip to the vets every year is like a trip to the doctors even 7 years for us! For this reason it is a good idea to ensure your pet receives a health examination at least once a year. Our veterinarians will give your pet a thorough clinical examination and it is a good opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have about the health or wellbeing of your beloved family member.

Convenient Hours - 7 Days

We are open 7 days a week and late nights to ensure we can schedule you and your pet in at a time that suits. If you have an emergency, or an urgent query that is outside of our opening hours the Waikato After Hours Veterinary Hospital have a dedicated team committed to providing emergency care to your pet until they can be seen here at Cambridge Vets.

Dental Check-ups, Surgery & Care

At Cambridge Vets we take premium dental care SERIOUSLY. It is an important part of taking care of your pet’s overall health and well-being. Periodontal disease is the most commonly diagnosed disease in pets but thankfully it is also one of the easiest to manage. Call us to book a dental check up today.

Export Certificates

Our veterinarians are registered for the Australian exportation process. Please contact our veterinary clinic for more details.

House Calls

If you are unable to bring your pet into the veterinary clinic for any reason, we are able to schedule in a veterinarian for house visits for any procedure that does not require surgery. For example, euthanasias and vaccinations.


A micro-chip is a small metal chip which is about the size of a grain of rice. It is inserted into the scruff of an animal’s neck and is a simple procedure which can be done without anaesthetic. It contains a number which is unique to that animal, enabling secure and reliable life-long identification. Cambridge Vets provides owners the option of registering their pet with the New Zealand Companion Animal Register and this option is available for both cats and dogs. It is a legal requirement for all dogs to be micro-chipped. More information can be found at the local council.

Nail Clipping

Our qualified vet clinic nurses can clip your pets’ nails for you. If you feel comfortable, our nurses can also teach you how to clip your pets’ nails yourself without causing trauma.


Nutritional Advice

Pet-food! It is a topic that is frequently over-looked and the value of good quality nutrition is often under-valued. Our staff are trained to ensure we can provide your pet with the nutrition it needs.

Pet De-Sexing


Professional Advice

If you are not sure about which product to use or if you have concerns about the health and well-being of your animal we will be happy to provide you with professional advice at no extra cost. We can offer advise on a range of topics including the best products to use or different options of treatments and/or services we can provide.

Rabbit, Rat, Guinea Pig & Bird Consultations

Just because they are small this does not make them any less important and we do not discriminate against our small furry or winged friends. We provide quality pet care for small animals. If you have any questions about your pocket pet we will do our best to help.


We can vaccinate your canine companion to protect them against the following diseases; parvovirus, distemper, parainfluenza, hepatitis, leptospirosis and kennel cough. We can vaccinate your feline friend to protect them against the following diseases; Feline Rhinotracheitis virus, Feline Panleucopaenia virus and Feline Calicivirus.

Surgery/Diagnostic Services

Anaesthesia with Isoflurane

Isoflurane is one of the safest anaesthetic gases on the market and provides the patient with a stable anaestheticand a smooth recovery.

Blood Pressure Measurement


Digital Radiography

This state of the art technology allows the veterinarians to manipulate the images to give a better view of patients’ internal structures such as bones and some organs. This aids the veterinarian in diagnosis and ensures that our patients’ are not exposed to any more radiology than needed.


Including routine surgeries such as de-sexing, orthopaedics, abscess drainage and general surgery.

FIV/Parvo Tests


Fluid Therapy


Laboratory Diagnostics

In-house diagnostics include bacterial culture, haematology, urinalysis, urine sedament, urine culture, cytology, parasitology, glucose testing, spore counts, feacal egg counts, semen assessment and FIV/Parvo testing.

Intensive Care & Monitoring


Isolation Ward

We are equipped with an isolation ward to house those patients that may be either immune-compromised or may have a contagious disease. This ensures the safety of all our patients and staff and enables us to better manage these cases.


This machine produces sound waves to give veterinarians a real-time image of the internal structures of an animal. Organs such as the liver, spleen, bladder and uterus can be visualised. There are no known side effects to the patient and can be useful to assist the veterinarian by providing a glimpse into what is happening internally in the patient.

Misalliance Therapy


Other Services

Artificial Insemination

This procedure is usually performed when dogs will not mate naturally for what ever reason. Fresh sperm is collected from the male, checked for quality and inserted directly into the female via special equipment. (Please note, we cannot store or freeze the collected sperm).

DNA Testing



We have several options for owners to help make this difficult time as smooth as possible. We are able to arrange home visits and have different choices on how ashes are returned if required. If ashes are not required the pet is sent to Pet Farewells in Hamilton and is cremated. Their ashes are scattered on a rose garden at the cremetorium which can be visited by the public.

Additional Services

Behavioural Advice/Consultations

Is your dog barking excessively? Or do you have a cat that has just started urinating inappropriately? Maybe you just need some extra guidance on training your new puppy? Our staff can give you over-the-counter advice. If a case requires some extra attention, for a small fee, we can arrange for you and your pet to have a one-on-one behavioural consultation with one of our trained and experienced nurses. You will receive a written report on the consultation with some practical tips and advice.

Puppy Pre-School

This is a 4 or 6 week programme which is held on Thursday nights from 5:30 – 6:30pm. Click here for more information on the program or contact us.

Weight Management Clinic

Developed as a FREE service for both our feline and canine companions who may be a little “chunky”. Our nurses will motivate, measure and give nutritional advice to get patients on their way back to their ideal weight. If you would like more information please contact us or click here.

Senior Pet Wellness Club

This new wellness club recognises that Senior Pet’s are more prone to age-related conditions than their younger counterparts and we believe in being pro-active when it comes to your pet’s health! Enrolment is FREE. Here is more information if you would like to enrol or contact us.